The 10 commandments of live poker

Live casino tournaments are characterized by certain aspects that, in addition to particulars, must be learned by players who want to venture into this experience. This is a unique situation, especially when it is done for the first time. During the games, the opponents enjoy (and suffer) before the expectation, the hands that move fast and the possibilities that move for or against.

The direct and live gaming tables are not remotely similar to the tournaments played online. Attitudes, gestures, and impulses must be controlled. In a first attempt, inexperience can do a lot of damage to a player’s strategy, since being well versed in online poker, although it helps, does not compare to living it in one’s own flesh with opponents.

To alleviate the situations that can surpass the players is the best way to maintain an active play, besides that it helps to build a good table of opponents and wasp to the less skilled. It never hurts a strategy or recommendation to play poker, much less when considering the very commandments for the game.

The whole set of techniques and recommendations that have been compiled are, clearly, based on the experience of poker veterans who spend much of their lives undergoing the pressure to act quickly, blocking the defiant attitude of obvious opponents and building, with patience, the masterful play.

Enigma in moderate amounts

An aura of mystery is not a sin or a serious fault while playing poker. However, self-definition as an enigmatic player may be uninteresting and annoy the rest of the table.

In poker, enigma and passivity have nothing to do with it. When a player is able to remain calm and create the play on the fly, without disturbing the pace of the table, his opponents may develop some respect towards him or her.

On the contrary, taking unnecessary amounts of time to uncover the cards and show the plays, not only indicates little prudence but a certain degree of stupidity.

For that reason, when it’s time to do it, the players have no time to lose. The idea is to know quickly who has won, not to turn a game into the ceremonial joke that makes the table frown in displeasure.

Keep up with the game

In live poker, nothing interferes more with the table than a player who is lost in the play. Therefore, in each round, the senses must be present. You have to know how to see the invisible, think about the strategies and play the cards that you have played.

The movements of the rest of the table are not incumbent on a player. Being attentive is not the same as being a snoop, and being cautious does not equate with being completely lost in the game.

Distractions are disdained and the loss of flow in the game is cause for discomfort for the starting teammates. It is better to avoid giving the wrong way if you are a novice; Even though mistakes are learned, the best thing to do is not to trip over the same stone twice.

Save gesticulations

Just as parsimony is detected at a poker table, excessive gestures and hand movements will also be a reason to be hated. If any player has a winning hand, he must not inform the rest of his opponents that he has one for three reasons.

First of all, having an excellent hand does not mean that a partner has not built an equal, or perhaps a better one. Even under the certainty that no one at the table matches those cards, keeping it in reserve is the smartest choice.

Second, nobody cares. Maybe when the time comes to show the cards, everyone will give a sort of defeat in unison, but while the game is active, each member should concentrate on their own. A self-sufficient attitude will only make you look like a fairly mediocre player.

Finally, the attitudes left before teaching the hand can put the opponents at a disadvantage, and that is not a clean movement from any point of view. It is better to save so much fuss to remain as an obnoxious.

Fold and order

When it’s time to turn-or muck-some newbies believe they can stack the cards in a disorderly manner on the pile that represents this movement. This is something that a live poker table detests, especially if it is made up of experienced players.

Before doubling, the player must consider that if poker is a game of strategy and skill, the movements must be executed in the cleanest way possible.

The cards must be properly folded and, those that are going to be discarded, drag it upside down on the table. Nobody wants to face the misunderstandings that scattered letters can cause in the game; and if a player does it this way, it may imply that he is leaving the game.

Avoiding disputes is part of the strategy to shine as a player. For that reason, it is better not to commit these unpleasant acts.

Nothing of aces up your sleeve

It is disturbing, confusing and annoying that at a poker table the cards cannot be viewed by all opponents. Of course not from the front, but the back of all the cards must be there, proving that you are in the game.

It is an odious attitude on the part of some players to press the cards to their chests or to hide them under the table. The one who supervises the play will not allow it and the rest of the table will look with suspicion on anyone who dares to commit such an odious act. The snoopers and those who act as if they protect the nation’s treasure only generate discomfort and aversion.

Wanting to hide the cards at all costs is also an indication that someone is trying to cheat, and unless you do not want to be caught red-handed or confused with a dishonest player, the cards in sight and the look placed on the play.

Announce the strong and clear movements

This does not mean that you literally must vociferate all the moves, but those that deserve to be notified to the table. It is a common mistake of novice players not to disclose the intention to increase a bet, or pass, or even withdraw from the hand.

In live poker, with its rhythm and pressure, nothing falls better than an opponent aware of what he wants to do and I did not hesitate to express it. The dealer will take each bet and there will be no confusion once the play is over. In fact, more than a recommendation, it is a rule that must be respected at all costs.

In this error many players who are used to playing from their computers, and announce all movements by pressing a button, however, in real life, there is something called voice and the faster you start using it for poker, the better.

Stay hydrated and well nourished

This is advice that probably any mother would give her children, and even in poker games, it does not get out of context. The reason? Only watch the marathon poker sessions without any water and an empty stomach.

So is. Live poker does not end in a two for three. Sometimes they are in plays that last a whole day and part of the night, and no one wants a table member raving with thirst or suffering spasms from hunger.

Before starting any game, you must consider the above and eat a good portion of food; and maybe bring something for the road. A bottle of water – or maybe two – will also be appreciated by the throat when the adrenaline takes over the body.

Be careful not to confuse terms

A very common sin in live poker plays is to raise the bet when in reality what you want is to keep the bet. This is frequent after the flop. To open the bet, you just need to state it.

If a player, under any circumstance, announces his intentions to increase and then retracts, the rest of the table will soon react with exasperated eyes and snorts of dissatisfaction. The tentative moves are not only taken with exasperation but slow down the active rhythm that is supposed to have a live poker game.

Rules of the 4 strings and the One Chip

Chain bets must be announced clearly so that the dealer has no doubt who made it and for what amount. However, this type of contribution to the pot is a common and costly mistake incurred by novice players.

As far as sunsets are concerned, better to swim with the current – unless a player has a withering hand. To bet squarely is a risk that must be taken with security and full consciousness, and wait for the reaction of the rest of the table.

The same happens with the chips that are deposited for bets. It is better to make clear the intention and the amount because if a player places a chip of 500 when he only wants to contribute 100, he can open up to bad interpretations.

Take advantage of the time

Poker is a strategy game that requires a lot of concentration, but that is not an impediment to having a good time. Whether it’s a novice or experienced players, maintaining enthusiasm is vital to the pace at which live tournaments are played.

It should not be a very effusive enthusiasm, but one that allows developing the spirit of play.